It was time to leave the Hotel Quelitales, but while we were there we grew to love the Costa Rica coffee they served. Cafe Cristina, the local coffee farm that supplies them, is located close to the hotel, so we stopped there to check them out and buy some coffee to take home.
We met Linda Moyher (pictured below), who owns the farm along with Ernie Carman, and she explained to us their process of using only organic farming techniques and produce shade-grown coffee.

female Scintillant
Lisa Erb at Rancho Naturalista suggested we visit the El Toucanet Lodge, as the Magenta-throated Woodstar has been seen there, and that bird can only be found in Costa Rica and western Panama. This is a species I need to photograph.
Feeders are set up outside the windows of the restaurant there. In addition to the usual subjects for this elevation (Talamanca, Steely-vented, Violet Sabrewings, Volcano) we did get to see a female Scintillant (new one for me) and a male Plain Capped Starthroat. But I will have to photograph the Magenta-throated Woodstar another day.

Plain Capped Starthroat
The highlight of today was visiting the cloud forest reserve Casa Tangara dowii in Cartago, the headquarters for Birdwatching Central America and the home of Serge Arias. He has a feeding station on the property that attracts a variety of birds, some of which are usually difficult to find. Serge is a friend and he was the "mastermind" behind my whole adventure here in Costa Rica.
In addition to being a great businessman and Costa Rica ecology expert, he is a great cook and made us an authentic Costa Rica lunch of Sweaty Chicken and Toad Water. Translation for those who don't speak Tico: Chicken stew with local spices and achiote, and lemon with ginger and raw sugar.